Hello YAMmer's, Here is my 2¢ worth on "How BEST to use iSpell_3.1.18p4 with YAM_2.0"... I have successfully installed and used both AlphaSpell_6.2 and iSpell_3.1 .18p4 with YAM_2.0 I initially used ASpell but switched to iSpell because it is more versatile. This is what you need to do to get iSpell functioning properly with YAM_2.0 ************************************************************************ *** *** *** The current iSpell_ .rexx scripts and HELP include: *** *** *** *** 1. iSpell_all.rexx v1.97 (Brecht, Lorens, Ben) *** *** 2. iSpell_exit.rexx v1.0 (Brecht) *** *** 3. iSpell_lookup.rexx v1.3 (Brecht, Markus) *** *** 4. iSpell_suggest.rexx v1.2 (Brecht, Markus) *** *** 5. iSpell_lang.rexx v0.4 (Brecht) *** *** 6. iSpell_mr.rexx (GUI) v0.4 (Brecht and Lorens) *** *** *** *** iSpell_Setup.TXT v1.08 (Mike Hendren) *** *** *** ************************************************************************ Steps: ------ 1. D/L Aminet util/gnu ispell31p4bin.lha 660k (Do NOT use any other version!) D/L Aminet util/libs ixemul-48.0.lha 598k (Required by iSpell Rexx Server) D/L Aminet dev/mui MUIRexx_3.0a.lha 336k (Required by iSpell_mr.rexx) 2. Install iSpell_3.1.18p4 as follows: After decompressing the .lha, rename the "ispell-3.1.18bin" directory to "iSpell", then copy it to where ever you want it to reside... Ensure that the "iSpell" sub-directories "bin" and "lib" and their contents are retained inside the "iSpell" directory so that the attached iSpell_ .rexx scripts can locate the iSpell Rexx Server and the iSpell dictionaries as needed... Copy (For your CPU!) ixemul.library and ixnet.library to LIBS: Install MUIRexx_3.0a (MUIRexx MUST be in your Search Path; e.g. C: or SYS:MUI) (MUIRexx Should be Assigned e.g. Assign MUIRexx: SYS:MUI) 3. Ensure that iSpell is assigned in your S:User-Startup or some other location for your assigns! e.g. Assign iSpell: SYS:Read-Edit/iSpell 4. Copy these attached MUI iSpell_ .rexx scripts to: iSpell_suggest.rexx to MUI:Rexx iSpell_lookup.rexx to MUI:Rexx *** and *** You can control most aspects of MUI from the preferences program SYS:Prefs/MUI or MUI:MUI (depending on your installation). This is also where you configure the internal editor used in YAM. This editor is the MUI MCC_TextEditor class written by Allan Odgaard. It is simply an extension of MUI. With MUI you have the choice of using the global settings (recommended for MCC_TextEditor class) or configuring YAM locally, which will override the global settings. (I have attached (1) .PNG image to help with these steps) After starting the MUI preferences program (either global, or local for YAM) select the "TextEditor" item in the listview. A new page appears with 4 subpages, select the one titled "Spell checker" and configure it as follows: Lookup command: [ARexx] MUI:Rexx/iSpell_lookup.rexx %s Suggest command: [ARexx] MUI:Rexx/iSpell_suggest.rexx %s Spell check as you type? = Checked (Recommended) Lookup word before suggesting? = Checked (Recommended) NOTE: If you configure the above globally, and it doesn't work for YAM then it's likely that you have a different local config for YAM. Simply start MUI prefs from YAMs preference menu, and select the TextEditor page, now choose "Reset to global" (from the context menu). This should synchronize YAMs local config with the global one. Please refer to the MUI documentation for more details concerning this subject. 5. Copy these attached YAM iSpell_ .rexx scripts to: iSpell_mr.rexx (GUI) to YAM:Rexx iSpell_all.rexx to YAM:Rexx iSpell_exit.rexx to YAM:Rexx iSpell_lang.rexx to YAM:Rexx *** and *** (I have attached (5) .PNG images to help with these steps) Set up (1) of your YAM Config/ARexx 'Scripts' menu entries (0-9) to use: YAM:Rexx [AmigaDOS] MUIRexx YAM:Rexx/iSpell_mr.rexx port ISPELLMR (Do Not select "Open console window") (Do Not select "Wait for termination") Set up (1) of your YAM Config/ARexx 'Scripts' menu entries (0-9) to use: YAM:Rexx [ARexx] iSpell_all.rexx (Do Not select "Open console window") (Do Not select "Wait for termination") Set up (1) of your YAM Config/ARexx 'Scripts' menu entries (0-9) to use: YAM:Rexx [ARexx] iSpell_exit.rexx (Do Not select "Open console window") (Select "Wait for termination") Set up (1) of your YAM Config/ARexx 'Scripts' menu entries (0-9) to use: YAM:Rexx [ARexx] iSpell_lang.rexx (Do Not select "Open console window") (Do Not select "Wait for termination") ** and / or ** You can use the YAM ARexx Scripts 'Execute script' to select most of these YAM iSpell_ .rexx scripts when needed! *** and *** Set up YAM Config/ARexx 'Program Termination' to use: YAM:Rexx [ARexx] iSpell_exit.rexx (Do Not select "Open console window") (Select "Wait for termination") (This quits the iSpell Rexx Server when YAM is quit.) With this setup: ---------------- 1. When you type a word that the iSpell:lib/dictionaries do not recognize you will get a System Alert (per your SYS:Prefs/Sound preferences). 2. You can SELECT (Double Click) a word and press 'Command Help' and a list of suggestions will pop up and you can select the appropriate one. 3. You can Spell check ALL text by selecting the iSpell_mr.rexx (GUI) script you included in step 5. (This is more powerful than iSpell_all.rexx) You can Spell check ALL text by selecting the iSpell_all.rexx script you included in step 5. 4. You can QUIT the iSpell Rexx Server anytime by selecting the iSpell_exit.rexx script you included in step 5. 5. You can SAVE which Language you wish to use as the DEFAULT and conveniently SELECT the Language you wish to use anytime with the iSpell_lang.rexx script you included in step 5. iSpell_ .rexx scripts purpose: ------------------------------ The ispell_ .rexx scripts which utilize the iSpell Rexx Server can ONLY be utilized from the: YAM TextEditor Write message window iSpell_mr.rexx (GUI) iSpell_all.rexx iSpell_lookup.rexx iSpell_suggest.rexx Each script will check to see IF the iSpell Rexx Server is loaded... If NOT, then that script will load the iSpell Rexx Server and the DEFAULT Language (Main & User Dictionaries)... If ENVARC:ISPELLYAM does NOT exist, the iSpell_lang.rexx script will be executed for a langugage selection... If already loaded, then that script will NOT reload the iSpell Rexx Server... This is to prevent the iSpell Rexx Server from being loaded more than once... YAM ARexx 'Program startup' is NOT needed to load the iSpell Rexx Server since it is automatically accomplished by these iSpell_ .rexx scripts... If you are NOT Writing, Replying or Forwarding messages, there is no need to load the iSpell Rexx Server... 1. iSpell_mr.rexx (GUI) is for spell checking ALL text. (This is a GUI equivilant for iSpell_all.rexx and is more powerful) iSpell_mr.rexx can be used to conveniently ADD words to the iSpell:lib/ .ispell_xxxx (User Dictionary) 2. iSpell_all.rexx is for spell checking ALL text. iSpell_all.rexx can be used to conveniently ADD words to the iSpell:lib/ .ispell_xxxx (User Dictionary) 3. iSpell_lookup.rexx is for spell checking EACH word (Spell-As-You-Type). This .rexx script identifies words that are NOT recognized in the iSpell: lib/Main or User dictionary... It does NOT suggest replacement words... If you do NOT want to use this feature, CHANGE this setup to: MUI Preferences | TextEditor | Spell checker: Spell check as you type? = UnChecked 4. iSpell_suggest.rexx is for spell checking a SELECTED word using 'Command Help' or some other keybinding of your choice. This is very useful when you only want to spell check words you are unsure of... 'Command Help' is the DEFAULT keybinding for MUI TextEditor.mcc V15.6 (I have attached (1) .PNG image to illustrate this DEFAULT keybinding) A. If the word is recognized, you will get the message "Word is correct". This indicates that iSpell found a word spelled exactly the same way in the iSpell:lib/Main or User dictionary... B. If the word is NOT recognized, you will get a list of suggestions with words to select from unless iSpell does not have a suggestion in which case you will get the message "No suggestions". This indicates that iSpell could NOT find any word spelled exactly the same way in the iSpell:lib/Main or User dictionary... C. The "Esc" key is used to CLOSE the suggestion window if a replacement word is not found or selected... 5. iSpell_exit.rexx is to QUIT the iSpell Rexx Server. 6. iSpell_lang.rexx is used to SELECT and SAVE the DEFAULT language to use for the Main and User Dictionaries... It is also used to conveniently SELECT any language you wish to USE for the Main and User Dictionaries... Currently, only (1) language can be selected and used by the iSpell Rexx Server, however you can change languages and spell check again... If you change languages, the iSpell Rexx Server will QUIT and subsequently be loaded again with the new language you have selected... Dictionary Notes: ----------------- You MUST keep the language(s) of your choice in iSpell:lib/ e.g. iSpell:lib/english.hash (Main Dictionary) /.ispell_English (User Dictionary) e.g. iSpell:lib/nederlands.hash (Main Dictionary) /.ispell_Nederlands (User Dictionary) .ispell_xxx (User Dictionary) must ONLY contain words that are in Lower CASE... All of the iSpell_ .rexx scripts that utilize the dictionaries will ACCEPT words that are in Upper, Lower or Mixed CASE from the YAM TextEditor Write message window, unless a word MUST be Capitalized per proper spelling rules... These words should be identified by the xxx.hash (Main Dictionary) iSpell_mr.rexx (GUI) and iSpell_all.rexx will always ADD words to the .ispell_xxx (User Dictionary) in Lower CASE... If you ADD words to the .ispell_xxx (User Dictionary) using a Text Editor, enter them in Lower CASE... If you already have an .ispell_xxx (User Dictionary) with Upper and or Mixed CASE words, use a Text Editor to change them ALL to Lower CASE, which will allow them to be recognized by iSpell... If the .ispell_xxx (User Dictinary) does NOT exist, it will be created the first time you use iSpell_mr (GUI) or iSpell_all.rexx to ADD a word... Only the English "english.hash" (Main Dictionary) is included with the Aminet util/gnu ispell31p4bin.lha distribution... If you use other language(s), you will need to obtain and install them to: iSpell:lib/xxx.hash Dictionaries are available for: Dansk, Deutsch, English, Espanol, Francais, Nederlands, Norsk, Italian, Russian, Svenska etc. iSpell Dictionaries can be downloaded from: http://fmg-www.cs.ucla.edu/geoff/ispell-dictionaries.html These iSpell UN*X dictionaries may need to be rebuilt for the Amiga Aminet util/gnu ispell31p4src.lha - Contains all needed sources for rebuilding dictionaries. Notes: ------ I have attached (6) .PNG images to help you with the Setup instructions for Steps: 4 & 5... PNG was used to keep the image file size to a minimum... If you are unable to use SYS:Classes/DataTypes/png.datatype, let me know and I will send you these images as Amiga IFF (ILBM) so that you can view them... MUI | TextEditor | Keybindings DEFAULT is 'Command Help = Suggest spelling' So, either 'Amiga' key and the 'Help' key will activate "iSpell_Suggest.rexx" (I have attached (1) .PNG image to illustrate this DEFAULT keybinding) You can change this... I use 'RShift Help' instead, it's easier to reach... Some special characters cause problems for iSpell e.g. (-) Hyphen and probably some others that we have yet to discover... (Brecht is still working on this) The iSpell Rexx Server may cause your Virus checker program to display an ALERT (Memory Vectors) since it is loaded into RAM: (Background CLI process) The iSpell Rexx Server uses about 500k of memory when loaded... The iSpell:lib/xxx.hash (Main Dictionary) and .ispell_xxx (User Dictionary) also use memory equal to their applicable file size when loaded by the iSpell Rexx Server... Check to see that you have enough memory available to use iSpell with YOUR Language dictionaries before you install this setup... Troubleshooting: ---------------- If you were previously using AlphaSpell, ensure that you recheck ALL of the SYS: MUI | MUI Preferences | TextEditor | Spell checker settings and the SYS: YAM | MUI Preferences | TextEditor | Spell checker settings as well as the YAM ARexx 'Scripts' menus etc. for proper scripts, paths and actions... AlphaSpell uses AmigaDOS scripts as the Spell and StopSpell scripts... This requires MUI Preferences | TextEditor | Spell checker Lookup and Suggest commands to be QUOTED " " & YAM ARexx 'Scripts' menu entries to be [AmigaDOS] iSpell uses ARexx scripts for most of the iSpell_ .rexx scripts... This requires MUI Preferences | TextEditor | Spell checker Lookup and Suggest commands to be UnQUOTED & YAM ARexx 'Scripts' menu entries to be [ARexx] Make sure that your iSpell:lib/.ispell_xxx (User Dictionary) if one exist is not corrupted, and ALL words are in Lower CASE... Check if your MUI Preferences | TextEditor | Keybindings 'Suggest spelling' is being used by another ACTIVE Amiga program which could create a conflict? Check SYS: MUI | MUI Preferences | TextEditor settings *** vs *** SYS: YAM | MUI Preferences | TextEditor settings for a conflict in the Spell checker and Keybindings sections... Maybe you are using some patch or hack that is interfering? DO NOT USE: iSpell_3.3ljr or iSpell_3.1.20 They do NOT work with this setup! Programmers: ------------ There are (4) YAM ARexx programmers (that I'm aware of) who collectively, have been able to get iSpell and YAM functioning properly... 1. Brecht Machiels 2. Lorens Johansson 3. Roger "Ben" Bennett 4. Markus Maier Thanks To: ---------- 1. Marcel Beck (YAM_2.0) 2. Jesper Skov (iSpell_3.1.18p4) 3. Brecht, Lorens, Ben and Markus (ARexx programming of iSpell .rexx scripts) 4. Allan Odgaard (MUI MCC_TextEditor etc.) Special Thanks To: ------------------ Brecht, who has continued to improve ALL of the iSpell_ .rexx scripts and refined them to there current excellent cooperation with iSpell and YAM... Allan, who has donated http://www.DIKU.dk/students/duff/TextEditor/index.html for you to download these iSpell_ .rexx scripts and iSpell_Help files... While you are there, verify you are using his latest MCC_TextEditor version... Lorens, who has established a ML for Amiga iSpell_YAM users... It is intended to help each other using iSpell_YAM... It is located at ONElist... Community email addresses: Post message: AmigaISpell@onelist.com Subscribe : AmigaISpell-subscribe@onelist.com Unsubscribe : AmigaISpell-unsubscribe@onelist.com List owner : AmigaISpell-owner@onelist.com The End: -------- I hope this helps you get iSpell and YAM functioning... I LIKE IT! iSpell is very useful and I find it saves much time and embarrassment... Enjoy, Mike -- Mike Hendren C64 - C128 - Amiga Commodore Connection Hardware/Software Repair/Service E-mail: mmikee@cts.com Snail-mail: 1118 Old Stage Road Fallbrook, CA 92028 Phone: (760) 728-6304 ICQ : 48881110